Download the Latest Whatsapp for PC

Download the Latest Whatsapp for PC
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For those of you Opera browser users, it can now be even simpler, because Opera recently released Opera Reborn, which is a browser that is integrated with the WhatsApp Web messenger application.

The application is placed on a kind of additional taskbar in the browser, so users no longer need to open the "" address, whenever they want to go online using the desktop, the user just clicks on the WhatsApp icon and a QR code appears immediately.

Then the user just scans using Android, and the user is connected to WhatsApp Web. You can get the latest Whatsapp download link below


How to Video Call Whatsapp Web

WhatsApp Desktop has a feature of receiving incoming video calls. You can accept calls, reject calls, or ignore calls when a pop up appears on the screen.

In addition, WhatsApp Desktop provides the feature of switching voice calls to video. You can divert phone calls to video.

Here's how:

1.Hover the computer cursor over the camera icon during a call

2.Click the Camera icon

3. Then the voice call will switch to video call. Your contacts automatically receive calls to receive calls.

By page

 official, the WhatsApp Web video call method can't be done yet. Phone calls and video calls can only be made via WhatsApp Desktop. You need to download WhatsApp Desktop on the official WhatsApp website for calls.

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